To remain faithful to the call that Jesus placed on his church in what we call the “Great Commission.” –Matthew 28:19-20
We would love to have you visit us if you desire to find out more about the call of Jesus upon his church and your life. Below you can schedule a visit with us or read our church purpose, beliefs and find out how you fit in to God’s plan.

Make, Mark & Mature Disciples
Calvary Baptist Church exist to glorify God by Making disciples of Jesus by the spread of the gospel both at home and throughout the whole world. By Marking disciples by baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. And by Maturing disciples by teaching them to observe all things whatsoever Jesus has commanded us.
Make Disciples.
At Calvary we hope to make last command that Jesus gave his disciples our first priority, it is commonly referred to as the great commission. There is no greater decision that a person has to make than what they are going to do with what Jesus offers them. Jesus loved the world so much that he paid the high price of sin at a place called Calvary so that anyone can have a relationship with God through Him. We want the world to know that through Jesus, there is hope!
“And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” (Matthew 28:18-19)
Mark Disciples.
When we choose to become a Disciple of Jesus Christ we are choosing to become obedient to what Jesus teaches us in His Word (The Bible). After you and I accept Christ as our Saviour one of the first things that we do to obey Jesus is to follow him in what we call Believer’s Baptism. Baptism is how the Bible teaches us that we make public our choice to be a follower of Jesus Christ. It is put simply an outward expression of our inward decision, letting the world know that we have accepted Jesus Christ as our Saviour.
“Acts 2:41a “Then they that glady received his word were baptized;…” (Acts 2:41a)
Mature Disciples.
Happily after you and I have accepted Christ as our Saviour we have just begun our relationship with Him. It is like being a new born with a brand new future ahead of you. Jesus wants you to know him personally. He has a plan for your future that you have embarked on. We want to help you get to know Jesus better and help you to grow in your relationship with Christ. Here at Calvary Baptist we want to help you grow in your relationship with Christ.
“But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.” (2 Peter 3:18)
How to become a disciple of Jesus.
Step 1 – Believe in Jesus
Salvation from sin is a moment of faith. God says, “…Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved…” (Acts 16:31). This belief is more than a head belief—it’s a heart trust. It means to fully trust Jesus Christ as the only Saviour—the only way to God, the only hope of rescue from separation from God. This is what Jesus called being “born again” in John 3.
The first step of our process in developing devoted followers of Jesus is to help them place their faith—their belief—in Jesus alone as Saviour. This is biblical salvation. To learn more about this decision, please click here.
Step 2 – Follow Jesus in Baptism
The second step in your relationship with Jesus is baptism. Baptism doesn’t make someone a Christian. It doesn’t wash away sin. It’s simply going public with your faith and choosing to identify with our almighty, merciful Saviour. Jesus was our example in baptism, and He commanded us to be baptized—to publicly show forth our heart decision and faith. Baptism pictures His death, burial, and resurrection. It also pictures your new life in Jesus Christ.
Baptism is one of the first, easiest, and best ways to be a witness to others about your faith in Jesus, and to publicly declare you are not ashamed of Him.
Step 3 – Connect with Believers
In Acts 2, those who believed were baptized, and then they were added to the church. Once someone has believed in Jesus, their next step is to connect with a family of believers. Through these relationships, a new Christian can grow and mature in the faith and teachings of Jesus. It is our goal for every new believer to be connected with friends and others in the church body who can help you mature and grow in grace.
The primary way we connect and disciple believers is through our Sunday classes and Wednesday Bible study. There’s a place for you, and new friendships are waiting to be discovered!